This Friday July 1 - Cherchez, Rad Times, Easy Now and Fortune Sound Club present Canada Day Jamboree #4 with live performances by Flipout, Gman & Rizk, Mila Franovic, Cam Dales, Tyler Fedchuk, Cherchez, December Furcoat, Sincerely Hana, My!Gay!Husband!, Genie, Lil India, Dayandra, Rico Uno & Kutcorners! BBQ by Justin Gradin, Easy Now Ice Cream Truck, Kickball, Kitsch skateboard demo, Livestock 3 on 3 bball and more! Noon til dusk, event page

And the afterparty! Happy Ending Fridays and Rad Times present Canada Day official Strathcona BBQ Jamboree Afterparty with Rico Uno, Cam Dales, Cherchez La Femme, Sincerely Hana and in the Livestock Room with Alien & Trogg! More event info