If you are coming to FATALE to see another pretty face behind the decks, guess again. These ladies know their stuff and in true female style they're not afraid to dish a little...
Q. Most under-rated musician you think everyone should have on their IPOD?
She: It's a tie between Munk & Sam Sparro
Bles-sed: Teedra Moses
Erica Dee: Crissette Michelle
Q. What was the latest addition to your arsenal?
Bles-sed: A bunch of used disco 12 inches - Sharon Redd, Gary's Gang, Padlock (special mixes by Larry Levan) and Linda Taylor
Erica Dee: Little Dragon
Q. With all the mash-ups and remixes it all starts to blur. If you had to pick one genre that truly represents?
She: 80's r&b
Erica Dee: In my mc/vocalist hat = soulful disco-hop / in my dj hat = feel good music
Q. What are the ingredients for cooking up a perfect performance?
She: Charisma, versatility and the right shoes!
Bles-sed: Confidence and passion
You can be sure this crew will be coming correct so bring your dancing shoes and your "A" game because these ladies won't be taking any prisoners.
FATALE - this Thursday Dec. 3. Hit up guestlist@fortunesoundclub.com with your full name and FATALE in the subject for guestlist.